- Works Contract Notice Construction of road L401 ( from R10 to Vărzărești Monastery)
- Standard advertisement for local publication of local open tender procedures
- Letter of invitation to tender
- Volume 1 Section 1 : Instructions to tenderers
- Administrative compliance grid
- Volume 1 Section 5: Evaluation Grid
- Volume 2 Section 1 Contract from Works contract for European union external actions No
- Volume 2 Section 3 Special Conditions
- Volume 3 Technical specifications
- Volume 5 Design documents, including drawings
- Publication reference NS01
- Publication RFF NS01
- Evaluation report
- Award decision
- Address of tenderer
- Notification letter
- Works contract award notice
- Declaration on honour on exclusion criteria and selection criteria
- Volume 1 Section 2 tender form
- Volume 1 Section 4 Questionnaire
- Volume 1 Section 4 Form general information about the tenderer
- Volume 1 Section Form 4.2 Organisation chart
- Volume 1 section 4 Form 4.3 Power of attorney
- Volume 1 Section 4 Form 4.4 financial statement
- Financial identification
- Legal entity
- Table with corresponding field denomination by country
- Legal entity
- Table with corresponding field denomination by country
- Legal entity
- Volume 1 Section Forms 4.6.1. to 9 Technical qualifications
- Volume 2 Section 4 Specimen performance guarantee
- Volume 2 Section 6 Specimen retention guarantee
- Volume 4.2 Financial offer templates